Magnesium: the Immune System’s Super Mineral
By Sandy Sanderson (BA UNSW) (Article published in the Australian Traditonal Medicine Journal December 2024) An inverse relationship between magnesium deficiency […]
By Sandy Sanderson (BA UNSW) (Article published in the Australian Traditonal Medicine Journal December 2024) An inverse relationship between magnesium deficiency […]
The condition of our feet can tell us a lot about the overall health of our body, like symptoms of decreased blood circulation, stiffening (calcification), thinning of skin, brittle bones, muscle atrophy and arthritis, to name a few. Such conditions can initially manifest in feet and ankles as a precursor or indicator of what may be happening in other parts of the body. Symptoms tend to become more obvious first in the feet because they bear a lot of weight in a small area with numerous variations of mechanical movement. In addition, the feet are loaded with tiny capillaries that supply an extensive nerve-sensory system, that is the peripheral nervous system.
Article published in Australian Traditional Medicine Society Journal (winter edition 2024) Magnesium Deficiencies Can Be Corrected with Absorption Via Skin It
Peripheral Neuropathy has become a widespread health issue, but has had a poor record of recovery success in medical treatments. As
How Does Magnesium Alleviate Peripheral Neuropathy? Read More »
Irritating skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis can become very debilitating for some people, with inflamed itchy skin tormenting them
Mineral water bathing and soaking to alleviate aches and pains has been practiced for millennia. People can travel long distances to
It’s easy these days to get caught on a treadmill of frenetic activity that you can’t get off until you hit
Overcome Fatigue and Burnout: Recharge Your Electrical System Read More »
Magnesium tablets and oral supplements may not be able to deliver the magnesium to your cells that you really need. Most
It is understandable if you feel bamboozled by all the different labels that have been given to the same set of
Long Covid, Post Viral and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – A Magnesium Deficiency Problem? Read More »
According to Australian research studies from 2013-14, “ADHD was the most common disorder for children (8.2%), and the most common among
Did you know that most people these days are magnesium deficient to some extent in their cellular stores? We are short-changed
Don’t throw out those lemon peels! Most people don’t realise how nutritionally valuable they are to support the immune system. It