magnesium via skin

Feel the Power of Magnesium Via Skin – Fast

Did you know that most people these days are magnesium deficient to some extent? We are short-changed by the food supply, and on top of that we lose magnesium excessively from stresses or traumas, physical exertion, drugs, sleep deprivation, injury and pain. However, people are finding that they can top up easily and more quickly using magnesuim via skin, compared to taking magnesium tablets or powders.


There is a lot more to magnesium than relief of cramps. Scientists have found that the body uses magnesium to calm inflammation, stress and tension. It does this via its control of calcium. Magnesium relaxes, and calcium contracts.

magnesium soaking
Magnesium float tank

Too much calcium can cause pain and inflammation. You can’t afford to let the calcium dominate in this relationship, or you can kiss flexibility, calmness and good sleep goodbye. Chronic magnesium deficiency leads to an increase in inflammation and pain, but the restoration of adequate cellular magnesium depresses the inflammation and relieves pain.

It’s important therefore to maintain a healthy magnesium balance, and not let deficiency grow. If you’ve experienced extra stresses (including pregnancy), then it’s likely your body will be craving more magnesium to refill its tank. A quick way to get more is by using magnesium via skin.

Magnesium salt bathing therapy (balneotherapy) has been practiced for thousands of years in cultures around the world for the treatment of skin disease, inflammation and several other disorders.

Magnesium via skin? Isn’t the skin a barrier?


Yes, but the skin is a membrane with channels that open and close in response to stimulation. When you perspire, your sweat glands release perspiration, which is mostly made up of water, electrolytes (like sodium and magnesium) and waste products.

Epidermis Magnesium

After heat and perspiration, a small amount of the skin’s ceramides (solid fats) can soften and melt. This means that we can lose some protective oils from the skin barrier. Athletes will notice this effect after a big training session when the skin feels more sensitive.

Applying plant fats and oils after washing off all the sweat and grime will support the restoration of the skin’s natural cholesterol barrier protection.

Magnesium Creams or Lotion are ideal for skin barrier support, with their rich oils and butters allowing the body to absorb and replace lost magnesium. The rejuvenating and antiageing effects are also remarkable using magnesium via skin.

Studies testing magnesium’s ability to cross the skin barrier

Magnesium Cream legs

A 2012 (magnesium via skin) study tested the efficacy of the magnesium in two magnesium cream formulations to penetrate the skin barrier and concluded; “Magnesium cream was able to successfully deliver magnesium chloride across human skin.” 1

A 2015 (magnesium via skin) study found; “That magnesium ions can penetrate through healthy skin with intact stratum corneum, with significant contribution from hair follicles.”2 The same study noted also that magnesium treatment caused an increase in skin hydration, as well as increase in the redox ratio of skin cells.

Magnesium Creams and Lotion also help skin to recover after sun bathing by boosting protective hydration of skin cells, and providing essential nutrients. Another bonus is that magnesium and fats are necessary for the production of vitamin D with sun exposure.

Magnesium via skin is a powerful way to supplement in cases of deficiency, and with massage to get a fast muscle relaxation and recovery. Those with digestive disorders can also easily absorb magnesium via skin. Rub it in and feel the difference.

Elektra Magnesium Cream skin care

By Sandy Sanderson © 2022


(1) Sang-ngern, M.; Byoung, J.; Mazen, H.; Leng Chee, C.; Rosanoff, A.; Mahavir, C. Preliminary Study of Transdermal Permeation of Magnesium Cream Formulations across Skin; 2012.

(2) Chandrasekaran, N. Effect of Topical Magnesium Application on Epidermal Integrity and Barrier Function, The University of Queensland, 2016.



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