Elektra Magnesium Creams

User Guide for Elektra Magnesium – How Much Magnesium Do I Need?

How Much Magnesium Do I Need?

When issues pop up as a result of magnesium deficiency, people are often told by their doctor to take extra magnesium tablets or powders to fix them. Typical magnesium deficiency symptoms may be:

Chronic fatigue, metabolic syndrome and mental fog;

Emotional instability, irritability, anxiety, hypersensitivity and hormone imbalances;

Hyperactivity, difficult sleeping and ADHD-like symptoms;

Skin disorders including acne, dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis;

Cramps, twitches and restless legs;

Aches, pains, inflammation and fluid retention;

Stiffening of muscles, arteries and ligaments from excess calcium deposition (hypercalcaemia);

Acidosis, digestive issues and IBS;

Immune system disorders and allergies;

Heart arrythmia;

Chronic fatigue, metabolic syndrome and mental fog;

Emotional instability, irritability, anxiety, hypersensitivity and hormone imbalances;

Hyperactivity, difficult sleeping and ADHD-like symptoms;

Skin disorders including acne, dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis.

In some cases some of the symptoms are alleviated by oral magnesium supplements, but in the vast majority of cases people find it’s just not enough.  They may think then that they need something else and that magnesium was not the solution.  However, in the majority of such cases the problem was more a case of difficulty to digest and absorb those oral supplements and a resulting lack of entry of the magnesium into the tissue cells that desperately need more magnesium.

The fact is that the gut simply cannot deal with a high amount of magnesium going through at the same time.  The gut lining is a membrane that can only handle a small amount of magnesium at a time, as would be naturally available in foods and mineral water.  As soon as the concentration goes up, it starts to liquefy the stool, which means the magnesium is expelled from the bowel too quickly.

Transdermally absorbed magnesium solves all these issues, as the body self-regulates the absorption of the magnesium from the reservoir of the epidermis – the outside skin layer.  Of course you can’t just take your tablets, crush them and rub them on the skin.  You need to use nutrients that are already in an absorbable form for cell uptake and require no further digestion.  The ideal form is magnesium chloride dissolved.  You can soak and bath in it, or rub it on.  What helps magnesium absorption enormously is the presence of lipids (essential fatty acids ) in the skin.  This is why we have created Elektra Magnesium Cream and it’s also why our Magnesium Oil Spritz formula glides on so easily and is better absorbed without the irritation and stickiness of straight magnesium oil.

With transdermal absorption you can get several hours of magnesium uptake from the skin at the body’s own pace, as well as a faster and more efficient delivery system.  Just massage in and feel the difference within minutes.

The next question often asked is: “How much do I need and how much can I get from this system?”  The answer depends entirely upon the needs of each individual and their genes, state of health, diet, environment and stress levels.  However you don’t really need to worry about getting quantity precisely right with this system because the body knows and chooses what it needs from the nutritional smorgasbord contained in the epidermis – as long as you are applying enough magnesium daily to feed your system.  What the body can’t use at a particular time stays in the skin until more is required.  Eventually everything is used up because we are always using up magnesium in daily activities.  The whole of our energy metabolism relies on magnesium and its availability to the mitrochondria of cells to make ATP – adenosinetriphosphate – the energy currency of cells.  Just breathing uses up magnesium!

To make things a bit easier I have developed a ‘User Guide’ for you so you can see at a glance how to use this system and the three categories of magnesium chloride products.

You can also refer to each of our FAQ pages on each category:

Magnesium Cream

Magnesium Oil Spritz Formula

Magnesium Flakes

If you have any questions feel free to contact me via email.

Cheers, Sandy

Elektra Magnesium
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